Lamarris Williams has a servant’s heart and wants to be an asset to the kingdom of Yahweh.
He strives to walk in the Torah in his daily life and believes that people pay more attention to
your actions before they even perk up their ears to hear what you have to say. He is the
husband of Lakreisha Williams and the father of two handsome sons.
He also has the honor of ministering to the next generation as an Elder over the Teen Torah
Ministry. From studying the Torah to understanding the salvation plan of Yahweh, his vision is to
teach them to apply the instructions of the Most Hight in their daily lives. Even as a teacher,
Lamarris believes he is forever a student, and he’s humbled to continue the learning journey
with the youth as they grow and evolve.

Lamarris Williams and MHG teens discussing the Feast of Yom Teruah.