MHG Learning Center is a full Feast keeping community. From Passover to the Feast of Tabernacles, we observe the Levitical standards prescribed in the Scriptures.

Leviticus 23:1 “And יהוה spoke to Mosheh, saying, 23:2 “Speak to the children of Yisra’ěl, and say to them, ‘The appointed times of יהוה, which you are to proclaim as set-apart gatherings, My appointed times, are these:”
We celebrate the mastery of our Wonderful Creator’s Season of joy and expectation of Our Messiah’s eventful return. In knowing this we start with Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread understanding that Yahshuah is our Unleavened Bread of life; Whose blood guarantees our salvation and redemption if we choose to accept it. Ending with The Feast of Ingathering which is the third time in the year when we are commanded to leave our homes and come before the Most High. It is also called the Feast of Tabernacles or Feast of Booths.
Our demographics are exceptional in that we all come from different walks of life on a spiritual journey to know our Creator in a ‘real’ way. No longer being tied by tradition Melo HaGoyim was established in 2003 by founding leaders Rabbis James and Aviyah Byers. The vision was to start a weekly Scripture study for those who wanted to learn the Torah and walk it out as best we can in the diaspora; thus, our slogan, “MHG, Where The Torah Is A Lifestyle.”
The assembly consists of families and singles all dedicated to the advancing of the kingdom of our Elohim. From seniors to infants we celebrate each other inside and outside of the walls of 229 W. Acadia Avenue; with committees and teams such as, just to name a few:
The Feast Committee – ‘The Dream Team’
The Media/Communication Team
The Community Outreach Committee
The Dance Team
The Special Events Committee
S.A.S.S – Set Apart and Single Sisterhood
M.A.W.Y. – Married Anointed Women of YAH
M.O.I. – Men of Integrity
MHG Statement of Belief
- We believe in the teaching instructions (Torah) of YAHWEH (The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) with the focus on the entire family.
- We believe in One God as He is revealed in His Spirit, His Word and His Son and they are One (echad) Elohim as stated in Deuteronomy 6:4; Mark 12:29.
- We believe in Yahshuah the only begotten of the Father, as the promised Messiah. We believe in his virgin birth as prophesied in Isaiah, and as related in the Brit Chadashah (New Testament), we believe in His death as atonement for our transgressions of Yahweh’s Word of Instruction (Torah), His resurrection as the First Fruits of the resurrected.
- We believe in His eventual return to re-gather His elect from the four corners of the earth.
- We believe that it is by the atoning work of the Messiah Yahshuah that we have a restored relationship with our heavenly Father as evidenced by our desire and effort to obey Yahweh’s Word as it is applicable to our lives today.
- We accept ALL of Scripture in its original language as the inspired, inerrant Word of The Father. We hold that its promises, commandments and covenants are relevant for all of Yahweh’s people and that it is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and instruction in righteousness.
- We celebrate the 4th commandment to remember and keep the Sabbath, as the 7th day of the week which is the divine pattern established by Yahweh (Leviticus 23). This however, does not hinder us from our daily worship of Yahweh on any day of the week as we are to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice to our Father (Romans 12:1). Understanding that Yahshuah Messiah is the Master or ‘Lord’ of the Sabbath as He proclaimed in the word (Matthew 12:8; Mark 2:28; Luke 6:5), and if we nullify any part of the Sabbath we nullify Him being the Master over it, therefore nullifying His word (John 1:1-14). We observe and enjoy the celebration of Yahweh’s Holy Days as outlined in Leviticus 23. They are a reminder and a rehearsal for things to come and a shadow of the Messiah and His earthly mission to heal and restore mankind to a perfect relationship with The Father.
- We believe Yahweh in His wisdom has prescribed the way He desires His children to live and what they should eat to nourish the body He created. Therefore, we keep the biblical kosher laws of Scripture as to what animals were meant for food as outlined in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14.
- We believe in the Holy Spirit (the Ruach HaKodesh) as the breath and presence of The Father continuing daily to perform miracles in the lives of believers. The Comforter, of which the Messiah spoke, gives discernment and guidance to the children of Elohim.
- We believe the “non-Hebrew” Believer is grafted back into Israel by belief; however, they do not replace Israel or the covenants of promise. They partake together in the promise of mutual covenant with our Creator and King of the universe. Redemption is by belief in the Messiah alone. It is by the Blood of Yahshua that the believers become part of the commonwealth of Israel and thus are made sons of The Most High as stated in Ephesians chapter 2. The redemptive process of our Messiah is a message of inclusion not exclusion; if one believes and walks in His covenant.
- As a sign of our belief and Salvation we strive to follow ALL of Yahweh’s Word and to be a light to the nations. We believe Yahshuah is our example and therefore we follow Him by walking out our new life in obedience daily, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
- We believe that salvation is in the atoning Blood of Yahshuah; as it transforms our lives and minds it calls us to seek out the true understanding of who we are as a people set a-part to The Most High Creator of the universe, therefore making us accountable to His Torah which are our instructions for life. John 10:10 “The thief does not come except to steal, and to slaughter, and to destroy. I have come that they might possess life, and that they might possess it beyond measure.”